現病史應重要答复如下3個問題:⒈除ED以外,患者是不是归并其它性功效停滞?临床上,ED患者常常同時伴随早泄,有些患者還伴随射精异样和性欲消退等性功效停滞。⒉勃起功效停滞的水平?這重要按照國际勃起功效评分-5(Internnba即時比分,ational Index of Erectile Function 5, IIEF-5)来举行。⒊是生理性ED仍是器質性ED?
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4. Porst, H., et al. SOP conservative (medical and mechanical) treatment of erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med, 2013. 10: 130.
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